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ESG and the SME

ESG and the SME

ESG. It’s the new normal ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) criteria; it’s the hot topic right now and unlikely to be a passing trend. The world is rapidly catching on to climate change and social inequality has been thrown into stark relief through the...
Be Certain about Uncertainty

Be Certain about Uncertainty

If there’s anything we should have all learned over the last couple of years, it’s that uncertainty is certain. Yes, in recent years it may feel like we’ve had more than our fair share of uncertainty, what with Brexit, Covid and recession. In actual fact, uncertainty...
Don’t Confuse Purpose with Goals

Don’t Confuse Purpose with Goals

How easily can you answer this: why did you get up this morning? It’s not meant to be depressing, annoying or inferring that religion is the answer, although maybe it is! However you feel about this question it gets all of us thinking about a topic that’s as relevant...
The Three Things Leaders Should Do

The Three Things Leaders Should Do

Step away from the clichés. Stop trying to absorb the newest leadership fads. You’ll never blend these ideas into a strategy that will, somehow or other, power your business forward. The reality is the best leaders only do three things: • Set the context • Manage the...
What Is Your Business Worth?

What Is Your Business Worth?

We all know the answer to this…whatever someone is willing to pay.     It’s true, but not massively helpful when planning the strategic direction of a company and how you, as the owner, may sell it one day for a pleasing sum of money.     The formula generally used to...
Culture is Everything

Culture is Everything

Culture within business is the working environment created by choices business leaders made in the past, ones made in the present and as odd as it may first seem, those that have yet to be made. By identifying, aligning and integrating the commercial and cultural...