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Make It Easy for People to Buy

Make It Easy for People to Buy

Attracting new clients is a challenge for most businesses. Yet attracting new business is pivotal to ambitious growth plans. Which is why it’s important to make it easy for those prospects to buy. Let’s use a fictional company to demonstrate… Company A has a...
Why We All Need to Champion Female Entrepreneurs

Why We All Need to Champion Female Entrepreneurs

The UK is a hot bed of entrepreneurs. British entrepreneurs have been household names and celebrated across the globe for decades. From Branson to Dyson and the youngest ever Dragon to recently join the Den, the ‘Happy Sexy Millionaire’, Steven Bartlett. Our...
Don’t Confuse Purpose with Goals

Don’t Confuse Purpose with Goals

How easily can you answer this: why did you get up this morning? It’s not meant to be depressing, annoying or inferring that religion is the answer, although maybe it is! However you feel about this question it gets all of us thinking about a topic that’s as relevant...
Getting to Your Customer Base

Getting to Your Customer Base

The most successful companies have an acute understanding of the power of channels to market, a subject that forms the basis of our Distribution framework. Essentially it’s about understanding the many different routes that your business can take its product or...
The Three Things Leaders Should Do

The Three Things Leaders Should Do

Step away from the clichés. Stop trying to absorb the newest leadership fads. You’ll never blend these ideas into a strategy that will, somehow or other, power your business forward. The reality is the best leaders only do three things: • Set the context • Manage the...