0800 878 9500 hello@shirlawsgroup.com

We all know that turnover is vanity and profit is sanity, meaning you need to focus on generating the right kind of revenue for your business.

It’s very tempting to say ‘yes’ to all kinds of clients, particularly when you’re in the first few years of establishing your business. However, as you’ve probably learnt by now, this isn’t a profitable way of growing your business. The wrong kind of client or customer can end up costing you more money in the long run because they’re never happy and you’ll waste a huge amount of time and energy trying to make them happy.

So rather than simply looking at how to increase revenue, the Shirlaws approach is to start by looking at the intent of your business, in other words, your ‘why’. If you haven’t read or listened to Simon Sinek explaining ‘why’ then it’s definitely worth your attention.

We start by focusing on intent because once you understand the purpose for which your business exists, you can begin to zone in on the long-term vision, products and services you’ll be offering and the positioning your business will occupy in the market. To create long term, sustainable and scalable growth all these things should be aligned from the outset.

Don’t be a busy fool

Most businesses are busy selling to everyone and anyone who comes along and happens to have enough money to buy them. This leads to time wasting, burn out and low profits – no way to grow a business.

Having a well thought out strategy will lead to faster decision making, an aligned culture and a more productive, less stressed workforce.

As with all the Shirlaws models and frameworks, you’ll wonder why something so simple can have such a powerfully positive effect on your business in such a short space of time. Attend one of our Discovery Sessions to find out more about the frameworks we use to generate the right kind of revenue or get in touch and one of the Shirlaws team will be happy to discuss your challenges one to one.
